- The benefits of senior massage for elderly or injured pets are numerous and very impressive. Therapeutic Massage can alleviate pain and increase healing time from injury. Our pets can be a little intimidated getting their first massage when they have no idea what this new person is doing to them but they come to love it when they realize how much better it makes them feel. Dog therapy is another added addition to our pet services we bring to the comforts of your home. Benefits consist of...
- Increased blood flow
- Increase flexability of soft tissue
- Relaxation and stress reduction
- Reduction of edema (swelling)
- Maintenenance of good posture and body balance
- Enhancement of waist and toxin elimination
- prevention of atrophy (wasting) of inactive muscles
- Lengthening of connective tissue and resulting reduction in the formation of adhesions leading to fibrosis
- Loosening and softening of scar tissue
- Release of endorphins
- Enhamncement of muscle tone and range of motion
- Enhancement of healing through increased flow of nutrients to injured muscles
Animal Healing Touch (AHT) Is Energetic healing. Clearing balancing and aligning of an animals energy and chakra system is just as effective as it is for those of us who have experiences this type of energetic work.